Thanks for help

December 29, 2011 at 1:50 pm

Your responses have been very helpful. I will pass on this info to my neurologist. Symptoms seem to be progressing slowly but mostly ‘parasthesia’ (a better way to say numb) makes my hands and feet feel wooden. I have trouble picking up small things and notice weakness more when climbing stairs, picking up moderately heavy objects. I’m also noticing a shrinkage of muscle tissue in hands and arms. Having some difficulty making thumb and fingers touch one after the other and the ability to open something as simple as a pepperment candy in a wrapper needs teeth to tear. A month ago I was able to put 100 lb blocks of wood in the back of my pickup. Not happening now.

I really appreciate the input from those of you who have had this experience, have had the same fears and frustrations and are still being positive about the whole thing. It really helps. You are inspirational.

Thanks for help

November 2, 2010 at 1:35 am

With your help I found a bunch of data here on ALA. It definitely seems to be reducing my pain. I am going to try going off of it to confirm.

It sounds like a should reduce my dosage, but I have not had any noticeable side effects.
