thanks brandy
my post will clarify my immigration status, I am working with the mayo charity care system I still need to find a stron referal for the system. I have the 800 number for the charity care from Mayo and in the process of approaching the doctors who I have been seeing over the last several months to help me out with this.
I was told by mayo neurology that I am looking at mid summer before I get an appointment there. if they deem my case urgent i am still looking at a minimum of 8 weeks.
I have applied for medicaid and my doctors have sent in all my information. U of C in chicago does accept medicaid and there is a Dr. Betty Soliven who specializes in neuro muscular disorders and currently doing research on CIDP with animals. I previously had an appointment for march 6th with her but since my medicaid is pending they did not let me keep my appointment. I offered to pay all of her charges upfront but U of C does not accept self pay. Madicaid told me any expense incurred by me since october of 2006 could be reimbursed through their system hence It would be ideal for me to get atleast my diagnostocs done here in chicago. I belive the tests needed is a skin biopsy for my nerves, a full body PET scan, A tilt table test and possibly other updated blood work and new EMG possibly also a monitored EEG over extended period of time.
This entire work up can cost me 6000 dollars if i have it done from NYU in NYC this is an option I am considering as well. With the cost of medications that i am paying for without insurance cost of living cost of travel and no source of income it has become a financial burden.
I empathize with the everyone as my story is no different than anyone else in terms of a diagnosis, I just want to make sure that I get in the hands of somebody who knows what he is doing not inthe hands of another neurologist who is going to tell me my issues are psychosomatic.
I am hoping that through this forum I may be able to get references to doctors and resources in chicago or near here that may help me make the right decisions. At this time I am so confused as to what to do should i forget about SSD and return to India? should I stay and get it finished? if I am delaying my treatment by staying is that wise? should I do the diagnostics here pay the cost and then leave? i read on this forum that venezuela offers IVIG treatment at 500 USD a dose is that option i should look into?
It helps to read about how individuals expediated their disability claims and also got creative in how they received treatment in light of difficult circumstances.