Thank you for sharing!
I’m sure you met J as she is there and got her stemmies back on the 13th (we Skype often). I also agree with you that the “CIDP and Stem Cell Transplant” facebook page is specifically for folks interested in this procedure. However, there are also 2 other CIDP pages and a lot of familier faces on those as well. I still find this site easier to use and to search than any on facebook and hope folks will come back … and I hope you will post your experiences and results here!
To date, I’ve personally met, face to face, 8 prior CIDP transplant patients and talked to several more … I am a risk adverse person, so did my homework before deciding. Then I had to do some serious financial planning to pull this off as I am single have only myself to look to for financial support!
Now I only want to “pay it forward” by encouraging and helping those that are coming along after me with the same wonderful, positive support and information that I received!
Thank you for sharing…
I just printed this out & hope that at least some of my family members will read it. We have not only the 4th of July coming up, but it also the week of our small town’s All-class Reunion. My sister from Indy showed up last night, her daughter & son-in-law & two daughters will begin staying at my house from July 1-10th, & my brother’s family of 5 will be up from the Twin Cities starting July 2nd; fortunately his wife’s mother has a home on a lake 15 minutes from here, so they stay there. But no one cooks except me. Last Christmas it was the same thing & I ended up cooking, serving, & doing the dishes for 5 large family dinners. I didn’t leave the house for 10 days stretch, as I had to rest in between.
I will not do that again, they can cook, order pizzas, or we can eat out! If only they knew how tired I am all of the time, could be me for just one day. They can see the AFOs & cane I use, but I think they remember the old Ever-ready battery I used to be, but things have changed so much now…