Thank-you family
Thank-you family for the advice! The call has been made and I pray that for once these children can finally have a good life instead of a bad one. The school may have made a call but I would not know f they did or not. You know! Sometimes schools don’t even bother and it just depends on the school and the teacher. Besides myself other people have seen what I have seen and I was hoping someone else would have done something about it. But I think they all have been doing what I have been doing. A what and see who will be the one to make the call. I have a four bedroom home and more room for them here. Plenty of food and I do enjoy cooking. A swimming pool and we can provide better care for them. My niece I think they will ask for drug testing since I did mention the terrible weight loss she has. She is due in September and looks horrible. She might not even carry this baby full term the way she is going.
My sister is not a bad person but selfish natured. She thinks of only herself. I have seen her do it with my mother. But I just can’t understand how she could let all this go on and not do anything about it herself! It’s like she is turning a blind eye just so she can be a grandma! But I too am a grandma and would not let my daughters or son do this to their children. My niece has all kinds of people in and out of that home. Lots of men going in and out. I hope that those two children were not sexually abused and that is why they freaked in school. But for two children to do something like this something has happened to both of them.
I hope this investigation goes fast and easy and with no problems! But we shall see! I will keep you all posted! Hugs
Linda H
Thank-you family!
If I can just keep my food down and quit loosing it. I might just feel better. Lupus alway’s seems to attack my intestines too! I have lost 21 pounds when I weighed myself this morning. Normally when I am on high does of steroids I gain weight. So far no weight gain happening just yet!
I’m glad to be back. Hopefully tomorrow if I feel okay I will try and download those photo’s! Let you meet Starskie and Hutch! Hugs
Linda H