Thank you all again and again
Thank you all for sharing your stories with me!
Angel, you made me laugh about the sponge for your stomach. What a great idea! 🙂 Are you still receiving therapy to regain the strength in your trunk and legs? Neurodevelopment Therapy worked great for me. With NDT the therapist facilitates normal movement through various techniques and it is sapposed to retrain the brain to create these movements. With NDT the focus starts with the trunk to create stability in your core muscles then works out from there. I’m not sure it is for everyone, but anything is worth a try.
Carolyn, thank you for sharing your story about your husband. He is very lucky to have you! And I am sure you are very lucky to have him too. As I am sure you have read on the discussion board, recovery takes more time than one would wish sometimes. It is different for everyone. What seem like very small progressions are huge. You husband sounds like a very strong person. Thank you for all of your information about therapy and the hospital staff.
Sam, thank you for sharing your information about your sister. I am glad you have that optimism. It sure is worth it to never give up the hope that your sister will walk. I feel the positive energy you give her is so important for her recovery. It must be very difficult for you. Please don’t forget to take care of yourself too!
Racer, you gave me some great ideas. The ROM seems so important so that is maintained when progress and future movement occurs. Also, starting at the trunk makes great sense to me. Thank you for sharing your story with me.
Take care all-