Swallowing problems could be related to TMJ

March 6, 2007 at 12:35 pm


I developed a swallowing problem years ago — that I have since resolved.

You asked specifically about there being a possible “thyroid” connection — I do have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis that was diagnosed not too long after the whole swallowing problem. And I now have Sjogrens which also has swallowing issues as its symptoms — but I just don’t think that in my case these were related to my swallowing problem.

Back when I had the swallowing incidents [15-17yrs?? ago ] I had had a few experiences of when I would try to swallow it felt like the muscles weren’t working — I had food in my mouth, went to swallow and nothing happened. Freaked me out — because I immediately thought — “..brain and muscles not communicating… I must have MS”.

Well — after more than nine months of seeing numerous doctors / specialists and having a zillion tests / MRI scans done — and no one could tell me what was wrong… I took matters in my own hands. This was actually before the Internet was so prevalent so I went to the library and did a search on their computers’ medical database using my symptoms and it came up with some possible problems. I had my family doctor run every kind of connective tissue disease test he could think of — AND — I made an appointment with a TMJ specialist. All the connective tissue tests came back negative.

A couple of weeks before my first swallowing incident I had been to the dentist and had a crown done. The TMJ specialist told me that he knew exactly what my problem was. He explained to me that because my bite was off as a result of the teeth not aligning properly it was creating spasms in the muscles that are involved in swallowing. He told me it takes the cooperation of 14 muscles to achieve a swallow. He adjusted my bite and also created a night splint. I haven’t had any swallowing problems since then.

Not sure if this helps you… but I thought I would share my experience in case you or someone else can relate.

What type of symptoms are you having and why do you think there might be a thyroid connection?

Best wishes…