Stacey for YOU and YOURS….

January 31, 2010 at 9:19 pm

A heap of hope and a bit of extra strength being sent thru the internet ‘ethers’ from me to you.
Keep bugging the docs w/all the intelligent questions I know that YOU can ask and conserve your energy for the BIG stuff – such as giving hugs to your husband! Try and declutter your brain of all the what if’s and only’s as it’s premature rite now [Even tho I suspect you WILL STILL worry?] Find silly ways to give yourself simple treats in-between all the chaos, such as a ‘dove bite’ or any other treat you wouldn’t normally allow yourself? Find time now to sneak in a really good haircut [the massage that comes w/a shampoo is worth it?] and go from there.
Hope and hugs and I wish I could be there to deliver them both personally!