Spinal Damage Lymph Nodes & Leg Pain

August 7, 2011 at 3:11 pm

Hello Kyle,

It’s time for the disclaimer. I’m neither a doctor, nor in any medical related field, my own illness excepted.

No matter the nature and cause of your troubles, I would, first of all, keep a family doctor in my repertoire.

Second, you did not mention physical therapy. If I had any I’d continue it. If you don’t have any, why not?

Third, I’d move heaven and earth to not take a mountain of drugs, be they mind altering (addictive), pain relieving or not. Of course, you need to heed your doctors’ advice.

Fourth, I’d do everything I could to find out why any lymph nodes are swollen, and then, do something about it.

Your case is complicated. There is a lot of experience on this site. Sorry to say, I hope nobody else has yours….I know, I know, it’s not very funny, but come on, cheer up.

Good luck.