Solumedrol infusions…

March 25, 2008 at 11:35 pm

I was put on weekly solumedrol infusions of 1,000 mg a week for 21 months back in June of 2002. Initially, I was given 5 loading doses of 5 days of 1,000 mg to “jump-start” me. This treatment was only given to me after PE & many treatments of IVIG for 4 months (neither helped me at all.) The solumedrol gave me just enough strength to transfer from a power chair to a commode & into bed by myself (with a sliding board), feed myself very clumsily, & pull clothing on & off. I begged my neuro many times during that time period to wean me off of them, but each time I lost what little bit they had given me to be able to function at home (with help.)

When he finally did wean me off after almost two years, I first went down to 500 mg for a few months, then 400 mg, then 250, then nothing. By that time I didn’t lose any function, but had been unaware of just how much pain they had been masking. I never did need them again & was so glad to be off of them. I gained 80# while I was on them (still battling with the weight), have scars from a horrible rash I had while on them, needed cataract surgery in both eyes in 2004, had night sweats, mood swings… All in all, they were terrible for me, but they were all that kept me out of a nursing home…