Soapy – so happy so sad
Oh, Soapy, old friend! I’m so happy for your success so far with Rituxan, and so sad that I have missed out on your story through the summer! I seem to remember that you tried to contact me at some point, but it drowned in all the goings on of the summer. I haven’t been in here on the Forum for quite a long time, because I felt that I didn’t have much news to contribute, except for an occasional picture of my grandkids and a posting on one of the games now and then.
Well, then – you never know do you? Now I went in to change my e-mail address and I stumbled upon your thread here. It’s been a long and hard and winding road for you (as for most of us), but you seem to be joining the lucky (unfortunately) few of us who have been saved by Rituxan. Welcome on board, pal. I have been in remission for five years by now, and nothing points in the wrong direction. Of course I’m “damaged goods” too, but on the average I have a “normal” life (whatever that is?). Sometimes, like yesterday (my birthday, btw) I overdid it, with 6 adults and two kids here for dinner and coffee, so to-day my body says “Please if you won’t stay IN bed, then lay at least ON the bed!”, but my mind is not willing to just lay there, so here I am by my computer spending energy I really don’t have, but enjoying what I’m doing immensely!
To quote the (soon-to-be) ex-governator: “I’ll be back” and check in on you thread, Soapy!
All the best from Norway and