Several diseases can cause those white matter

May 16, 2009 at 11:40 pm

Several diseases can cause those White Matter Lesions! MS Lesions normally are in a certain area on the brain or brain stem. They are usually more easy to detect and it does show up in the Spinal Tap certain proteins in the Spinal Fluid. Certain symptoms of MS too are very easy diagnostic tools. MS today is much easier to diagnose than it was years ago. Every now and then a patient comes along that makes the diagnoses hard. They thought I had MS at first but then ruled that out. Lupus or any Collegen Vascular Disease can cause lesions on the brain too. So can Amyloidosis. When there are several lesions it is a symptom that a disease is in process. So they label you as having White Matter Disease. But it is a symptom more than anything else telling the doctor you do have something auto immune going on. Hope this helps!
Linda H