Seems to be right forum
Thank you – I think. Your story stunned me.
It seems so like mine, I immediately went into my files and pulled out my earlier questions to my doctor back to 2004 and there it was – dizziness, headaches, tingling in fingers and toes, sweating, vomitting, stomach aches, difficulty in breathing – though I am well treated on asthma meds. I have been dismissed too often. Lately though my doctor has done some tests of different kinds, but they always turn out normal. However this is the first time that it is so bad that I got really scared and went to hospital. It is the first time that someone suggested it could be GBS/CIDP. I just made a sheet of paper with questions for the next interview at the hospital. Suggestions are very welcome!
Thank you all for your answers and your support, it means a lot to me – more than words can say. It helps me take back control and ask questions.
Love to all of you