Scared to start Lyrica
I was on Neurotin some years ago and missed 2 doses-the pain ripped me up. Did this rebound effect happen to any of you? I went off of it. My new family doctor gave me samples for Lyrica but that old experience stays in my mind.I have severe nerve pain/spasms, on major pain meds and the specialist can’t go higher.No one else at the IVIG clinic has pain like me.
Is the generic just as good?? Lyrica is very expensive.
Have found few people understand my “invisible illness” as I try to look nice when out and then I stumble along.I prefer to sit and chat than do activities as I can’t predict how long I’ll last.I always seem to be surprised that I’ve run out of energy-the thought of fatigue is rarely on my mind… then it hits so suddenly I’m stunned. 😮 Laying flat helps the best and I use lots of pillows between legs, under arms and in the center of my back when on my side.
I just reread the posts and I don’t answer my phone either as I’m too tired to talk. I did get head phones to use because of arm weakness. They are so great and I tuck the phone in my pocket if I decide to roam the house.
Glad the FORUM is back””” 😀