I haven’t been able to respond to your posts because it makes me bring up thoughts and those DOUBTS that I need to keep buried. I was told by the last neurologist I saw about 4 or 5 years ago that I have CIDP and CMT. I had specialized bloodwork done for CMT and it showed nothing but Dr. said some forms are so rare they don’t show. I almost lost my mind when this neuro said two chronic syndromes. I don’t believe that I have CMT so I just tuck it deep inside as a maybe thing because only time will tell.
I don’t think any of us would come right out and tell you to leave this forum so as long as administrators say nothing, stay with us. You might be able to help others who are misdiagnosed.
Consider going to the symposium one last time so we can give you in person hugs.
I agree with Brandy. Maybe the bill will show up in may but the results should be done the same day or very shortly after. They did my blood in hours. As far as worrying about the unknown, I know it is tough but a POSITIVE MIND can work miracles. Channel your positive thoughts into getting better and you will be suprised. None of us know our future and more will be revealed daily, all you have to do is reconize it. My progress is getting better every day and I still have “those days” that just suck.They are the ones that turn the mind 180 degrees and you have to get right back on track and remember NOBODY has everyday go their way. Hang in there and don’t let the little or medium or semi-large setbacks get you down. My wife keeps reminding me of a Bob Seger song “Turn the Page” this is just another chapter in our biography.
This thought is probably like trying to grab at air, but I keep thinking that maybe a TV show like EXTREME MAKEOVER, HOME EDITION would help you find a new home. They may be interested in hearing Emi’s story and your desperation in fining a mold free home for her.