Residuals/Relapse etc..Can’t get the facts…
I re read your post… I think its dead on that what people call residuals/flare ups/ whatever, that in fact it is the gbs, or any other version of the same…. I think Pam’s got it right about our nerves are not the same as the ones we are born with.. I would like to read Dr. Parry’s book, as I’ve seen him a couple times regarding my treatment… Right now, I’m on his plan… Some stuff good/some not so good…..(That’s for a different post)..
Boomerbabe, I think your nerves have never really healed 100%, and you never really were “cured”, but your body has kept the nerve structure intact, tricking your brain all is well….
I think one way to know for sure would have been to track you with ncv/emg tests pre and post gbs…
Where did you find this study italian? Hope all stays well with you…deano