Reply To: Wish Me Luck
Went to the Hospital ER @ 11:00PM last night, waited for 2 1/2 hours to see ER Doc, thinking all the time I would be admitted for 7 – 8 days getting IV Roids & IVIg, BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, since I walked into the ER via my wheeled walker & not strapped to an ambulance gurney ($$$$$$). Got a 1,000 mg dose of IV Roids (Solumedrol) and they sent me home with instructions to come back to the ER EARLY (6 – 8 AM) Sunday & Possibly Monday for more IV Roids. Didn’t get home until after 3:30 AM. I surprised myself and navigated UP the ramp with my wheeled walker into the house then to bathroom, back to the Great Room and my Big Easy Chair & lights out until 9:00am. Seem to be manuevering around fairly well. Need to Test Out walking with my cane tho, that’ll be the definitive test.
As a note regarding the Lisinopril, the timing of daily doseaqge amounts from 10mg to 20mg seems too coincidential timing wise to the start of the relapse. Will be discussing that with my Neuro Doc Wed morning. Especially the specific warning on Lisinopril info sheet about folks who have autoimmune diseases. There are quite a few alternatives on the market w/o that specific autoimmune warning, so why test the fates?????