Reply To: rituxin for people WITHOUT the anti-mag type neuropathy

May 13, 2012 at 11:03 pm

Hi Lori,
Kev is 15 now. Doing awesome. Working out, tons of definition and runs 4 miles pretty fast every day that it is nice. Still runs around playing airsoft and carries 40lbs of gear while running in the forest. Still plagued by migraines and still very sick every two weeks after treatment w/the aseptic meningitis. Wondering about sub q for college. On first day of freshman year (p months ago) he and his brother were in a bad accident. His older brothers brand new mustang was totaled 2 blocks from home. Lady went through a stop sign. Both kids hurt, butned from airbags, whiplash , as well, Kev’s port was affected. The impactof the airbag popped some of the sutures that hold it in place. First access after accident did not happen, had to go to hospital and the port was essentially crimping the catheter. We did that itp or tpa or what ever it is and the nurse drew a clot out. Anyway, we will have to get a new one soon, that is why I am wondering about sub q. Have to get wisdom teeth out and 2 other teeth as well, so I am a little nervous about these surgeries.

Still missing about 30 days of school a year, but has kept up beautifully, al A’s and B’s, I think GPA is 3.8 or something. I think we are going to ask totry to wean off of the ivig againand see what happens. If only God will help Kevie. He has been such a good kid through all of this. No whinning, complaining, taking advantage of the situation or anything. He truly is a gift from God. Things could have gone so differently. I am blessed.

Ih well, maybe one day we can figure something out with this thymus thing!! No one ever listens to me, well except the Chiropractor???

Happy Mothers Day!