Reply To: Prednisone journey blog

May 22, 2012 at 7:55 pm

The first time I underwent the prednisone therapy it was in 2000 and 2001. Since then I had 2 rounds of IVIG in 2003 and was on Imuran until I could not afford it. After being off Imuran 9with no significant change) My neuro said no big deal, it must not have been helping much. I found that ater I was approved for SS Disability and didn’t work, the lowered stress and less pressure on a “working” body allowed me to stabalize and I remained fairly stable from 2006 to to 2009. In 2009 my old Golf Club needed me to assist in a transition from one golf pro to another and I helped out. The stress and activity caused a rapid increase in CIDP symptoms and pains. I have transitioned from that assignment to a 15 hour a week post where I do mainly bookwork. The work is not physically demanding, but can be stressful at times.
And, here we are. I am hoping that a brief course of treatment can re-stabalize my symptoms and allow me to continue forward.
In regards to infusions,, I can bring this to my neuro. He has some experience with CIDP, but I don’t think it is as extensive as my old neuro at Duke. Maybe we can have a discussion and see where he wants to go.
In regards to where I am now, I still get jittery through the morning after taking my dose in the AM. I understand the every other day advantages, but I also wonder about the heavy effects on the “even” days. I am really hoping that I can be off the daily 60 in a couple of months and then start tapering down.
On the good side, I played 4 1/2 holes of golf yesterday. Carts were on the path, so I couldn’t walk too far. I hit balls into my net out back this morning, and got the dishes done. I think my wife will be taking me shopping for groceries, and that will be enough for the day.

Have a great day !!