Reply To: help getting BCBS approvial for Rituxan treatment of CIDP

June 17, 2012 at 1:31 pm

thank you JoMama for all of your great info. i will let you know how it works for me. I am glad you were able to get back on the rituxin. You mentioned above that you had to stop the rituxin to have dental work—are we not able to have dental work while on it, my dr never mentioned that to me? Someone else on the board in an older post mentioned that her childs dr mentioned something about not playing in the dirt while on rituxin, i have been gardening while on it and you mentioned you had been too? Do you take anything else with the rituxin, i noticed some still do ivig while doing rituxin? I am taking only the rituxin. Do you mind sharing who your dr is? I think i am only the 3rd person my dr has on this for the cidp. Maybe i could give her your drs name if he/she has a lot more experience with it. My dr is Srinivassan at the lahey in burlington MA.
once again thanks for the great info—i hope you continue to improve to 100% 🙂 Lori