Reply To: Help-Considering Stem Cell Transplant
I went through the procedure 3 years ago. I had a horrible progressive case of CIDP – where I went from running a marathon to complete wheel chair bound in 4 months. I got into the Northwestern program – from initial consult to start of the program was 3 weeks – but that is because I put the money upfront so I didn’t have to wait for the insurance approval (which they eventually did pay for – thanks to Burts direct involvement). I was the 12th case of CIDP that they did. Mine was exceptionally aggressive – at the end – NW was giving me IV-IG once a week to keep me strong enough for the SCT. My breathing was beginning to be impacted – had difficulty swallowing – in short a wreck.
After SCT – I rapidly improved. Over the next 2-3 months I regained nearly all of my function. Today I live almost a completely normal life. The only thing that holds me back is pain in my feet – I think it is a lingering side effect of the chemo that is exasperated in those who have sensory predominant CIDP like I did. I can walk a couple of miles – but then need to put my feet up for a while. I also fatigue a little bit more than I used to. Working out is doable – but it puts pressure on my feet and is thus uncomfortable. But all of these are work around issues. 3 years ago I could not stand. Near complete immobility. The SCT was nothing short of a miracle for me – one that I am forever thankful for. Doc Burt saved my life.