
September 5, 2006 at 7:09 pm

I have had GBS three times. I had it first when I was 18 in 1958. I had a viral infection and started having numbness and weakness. The doctor diagnosed me with GBS. They didn’t have any treatments then so I just went home and did exercises myself. It lasted about a year and I recovered and had a normal life until 1989 when I had it again. This time, it took about 2 months to diagnose as the weakness and numbness didn’t show up for a while. I had PP with this episode. I was off work 14 months and went back part-time to my secretarial job. I recovered from this episode and had it again in 2002 when I was under a lot of stress. I knew immediately what it was. I was treated this time with IVIG. I am now 66 years old and get tired easily but am doing most everything I was doing before including mowing my own grass. I am thankful I am as well as I am. I hope I never get another episode.