Rapidity of Decline
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[COLOR=black]From personal experience, I can tell you it is possible to go from walking (not properly, but well enough that most people would have no clue that something was wrong) to effectively paralyzed within 2 days with CIDP.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=black]As far as how often to see your neurologist, it depends on the level of crisis. I now see my neurologist every 3 months or so, but my symptoms are well controlled. While we were getting things under control, though, I saw him once a month. At least a couple of times, when things were rapidly declining, I just dropped in and asked to see him as soon as possible.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=black]By the way, a severe headache and fever from IVIg is not an uncommon reaction. It can be related to infusion rate, brand of IVIg, and several other factors. It would be worth trying again. If you decide to do so, make sure he is well hydrated, and I mean to the point of needing to urinate every hour or so. As a typical part of the protocol, my infusion center gives people Tylenol and Benadryl before the infusion starts. The infusion is started at a low rate, 50 ml/hr, and then ramped up by 50 ml/hr every 15 minutes or so. Find out what the infusion rate was the last time he had it and make sure the maximum rate is 50 ml/hr below that. If he still gets a severe headache and fever, try switching brands.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=black]It is possible doing all that may still leave him with headache and fever. The question is then are those side effects worth it? If he gains significant relief from the other symptoms, then perhaps they are. If IVIg really does not work, there are other options. Encourage your neurologist to explore them.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=black]Godspeed in finding an effective treatment,[/COLOR]