Prune Fingers

February 14, 2009 at 5:59 pm

I just came home from being in the cold all afternoon. I have Prune Fingers. I think it has to do with circulation which the cold made worse.

Prune Fingers

February 14, 2009 at 10:20 am


About the prune finger thing. I had this happen during day two of my last infusion. I was downing lots of benadryl and the nurse was checking me out, saw the fingers and said, you better start drinking. So I increased and it seemed to be less.

I also noticed it randomly and unevenly on my two less affected fingers:confused:
Not sure but I just associated it with dehydration although there may be more to it.

I also got some eczema patches like Stacey and a few others. It just seems like the IVIG dries the heck out of you. And it lasts alot longer than just during the infusion. I am two weeks past infustion and the eczema appears either under control or much less noticeable. We’ll see next time what happens.–tim–

Prune fingers

February 13, 2009 at 5:17 pm
