predinsone drop day 1
Ty Liz,
First try is going to be 8 weeks.. starting today i went down to 15. there for two weeks. thats good news to hear that is helps your stomach.. mine is blah lots..
I was tired this morning after showing off all day yesterday. then got more news so I was excited and didn’t get to sleep until late, so I read every think on could find on the net about the adrenal glands. Should have done it years ago, i have alot of those ailments it can cause when its out of wack
The gospel cd’s arrived yesterday, so that is officially done. I put alot into it. I got credit on it.
Technical Engineer : soapy… ha
no it had my name and the “producer” my neighbor lol, has always called me kid.. so it says
Technical Engineer : Kevin “KID” Langley
I like that, white boy with a rapper nickname, on a black gospel cd, and I’m the only one with a cool nick..
I was thanked again in another line
it says
Also, my sincere appreciation goes to the anointed singers and especially to Kevin ” Kid” Langley who engineered and allowed us to utilize every moment of his time.
I am right proud, not ashamed for anyone to hear it.
LIz if you need a good laugh go to you tube and do a search for Tim Hawkins, my favorite he does is Called OLD ROCK STAR SONGS
you’ll bust a gut..
When leaving vandy yesterday we ran into a couple who had lost their car in the parking garage.. My wife looked me and said “thats us in a few years”
Have a good weekend..
Peace and Strength to all.