possible new dx
I saw the new neurologist this a.m.. He did the emg / ncv test which was within normal range. He thinks I have one of two things…transverse mylelitis of the spinal cord or atypical gbs….atypical due to the fact that my reflexes are pretty good and the normal emg and ncv. Onset was classic gbs, nearly all signs and symptoms are typical gbs. The normal csf protein coupled with today’s findings confuse the md’s . Now i’m to have an mri of the spinal cord, especially looking at the cervical spine (base of skull) for inflammation. He ordered ot / pt (since i can’t button clothes, tie shoes, etc….i’m doing well to hold a pen in my fingers to write and i’m weak as a cat. He says with either dx it’s going to take time to recover. If i’m not better with ot / pt in 2 weeks he wants me to see a neuromuscular specialist. Any thoughts?