Please help!

February 28, 2007 at 4:34 am

My mom (69) has been diagnosed with CIDP 3 weeks ago. She is deteriorating daily to the extent that the no longer can walk! Her Neurologist today has given her the option of Immuglobulin drips but has warned about the side effects, as the only option now. She has osteop. therefore she cannot go for the other treatments. Can anybody tell me what they do to you with these drips what do you feel like etc. \and will this help?!

She does physio and is seeing a homeopath to see if we can get her walking again. Please tell me if we fighting a losing battle here?! She was healthy, driving, walking , working four weeks ago…..This is very, very overwealming.

Please Help

July 28, 2006 at 8:20 pm

Hello Piper,
Welcome to your new family, where we feel what you feel. Please give others time to respond to your post. My name is Liz, I can’t give you the right kind of information on GBS because I have another kind of syndrome called CIDP and I cannot fully relate to GBS. We have read many posts from members about the “PAIN” they suffer. It’s real! One of the first medications recommended is NEURONTIN (spelling might be wrong). Your husband should be on this. Has your husband had a spinal tap/lumbar puncture. This can confirm most of the time. IVIG’s are the treatments that are most commonly used for GBS/CIDP. These should be started. And though the sooner the better, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE.

Wait for other’s to respond.