on anti-depressants now

June 30, 2007 at 10:20 pm

Talked to my doctor on Friday. My primary care doc. I told him that I thought it would be a good preventive measure to consider antidepressants before my anxiety over my condition became depression. So I start that on Monday. Other than that, he is trying to speed up the referral process on my neuropsychiatric tests. I am relieved that he is getting involved there. It is taking too long to get news on when the tests are. I also told him that with my progression of symptoms and lack of any real relief, I thought something like avonex would be worth a try to slow the progression. After all, I want some relief, whether they want to prescribe MS meds without a concrete diagnosis or not. I reminded myself before speaking to him that the doctors work for me, no matter how quickly they try to run through an appointment. I am paying for the time, they need to listen to me. I will run this same approach at the neuro and see what happens. What’s the worst that could happen right?