Oh, my. Thanks for all your help

January 29, 2008 at 7:48 pm

I just have to say that his forum has been a great source of needed information for us. The hints we were given were to watch for drop foot, bowel movement, and eye drops – all things not addressed by the hospital until we brought them up.

She is still not eating and I think they may have to put in a feeding tube. I also read somewhere on posts about putting in a “port’ instead of destroying her veins each time blood is needed. The hospital calls it a “pick” and this morning they finally put it in after asking for three days and Carolyn having arms black and blue. Our daughter is extremely depressed and cries everyday about her pain and that she’s afraid her baby won’t remember her as “mommy”. It just breaks our hearts and it’s difficult to put on a positive front.

She is out of ICU and two days ago I noticed her speech was much more understandable. But yesterday she was back to being semi-unintelligible and last night they said her breathing was worse although today they say it’s “better”. Because of this they are afraid to give her anything too strong for her pain so she suffers constantly. What they are giving her that’s really not working is torridall, neurontin and tylenol. They started 2.5 mg of oxycotton once a day about 11PM to help her sleep but she says it doesn’t really ease the pain. We also noticed her hand was super swollen today and the nurse said it was due to the iV. The port for the Plasmapheresis in her leg became infected after two treatments so they put a new one in today in her neck while they did the “pick” port in her arm.

I guess we’ll just have to take it a day at a time. Again, thank you.