Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh! You all have put me in tears. Thank-you so very very much for the prayers. I had a rough night last night and did not think I was going to be able to do the sleep study test! Even my nurse was beginning to think we would have to reschedule!
I got there and got into my pj’s and then my husband left and came home. Suddenly, I started getting sick to my stomach! I stayed in the bathroom last night for 3 hours. 🙁
Well anyway, the nurse was going to give me 20 more minutes and if I did not stop going after 20 minutes then they were going to have me rescheduled. But they gave me a Dyclyclomine and that stopped the Irrital bowel aggrivation. It was my nerves acting up too!
Finally got to sleep and slept til 6 in the morning and then got taken over to X-ray after they let me get a shower. Ohh my gosh! They placed all this paste in my hair and when I woke up I looked like Frankensteins Bride! It was so embarrassing!
Got over to CT Scan and they did the Xray of that. The ER doctor did the reading for my regular doctor and he let me come home this afternoon. But I was still getting sick to my stomach and felt bad and had to get some sleep.
This is what I have found out so far! The CT Scan is not showing any masses or signs of spreading cancer.
But the thyroid ultrasound along with the CT Scan and that dye was nasty. It made me get sick! There is cancer of the thyroid. The nodule is more inside the thyroid gland and my thyroid will have to be removed. The sleep study is showing sleep apnea but no airway obstruction because of the nodlue.
By what the ER doctor told me it looks to be a slow type of cancer and not spreading at a rapid rate.
They contacted my regular doctor and because of Tropical Storm Hanna and it’s supposed to hit my town tonight, they decided to let me come on home and scheduled my surgery in two weeks. They were discharging patients today like crazy. Except for those with life threatening problems.
All medical crews right now are on alert and scheduled to be called in. We have the National Guard here in my town and Rescue Crews all out ready for Hanna to hit us tonight. Because of Hanna and the possible need for hospital rooms tonight, they let me come home. I was not considered life threatening.
The doctor told me today that I had a Stage 2 Cancer and that they will remove the entire thyroid gland and then after it is removed I will have to take thyroid medication forever!
But after the surgery, I will be given a Radiation treatment and then may have to take Chemo every 6 weeks for 3 different times. I did ask them about the CIDP and they told me that a person with Thyroid Cancer can get CIDP. So it might be my culprit but then they still are not sure about that one! They think my lupus may have attacked my nervous system after my surgery but then with me having the neuropathy problem when I got diagnosed with lupus could still be another issue! I sure hope not! But we are hoping that the surgery I had may have triggered my thyroid to act up right after that surgery being my problem the whole time.
They placed me on valium for right now to keep me calmed down in hopes to slow down the thyroid symptoms I am having until I get into surgery. They have me scheduled for Wednesday, September 17th and I have to be in the hospital that morning at 8AM. Have to have a chest Xray and labs and be preapproved for surgery next week with my regular doctor and he will then fax everything to the surgeon.
But! Because there is a nervous system disorder that may not be completely diagnosed and with me having Systemic Lupus. They will be giving me my first IVIG and Pulse Steroids after the surgery so nothing else will happen!
They would rather be safe than sorry! So! I’m getting IVIG in two weeks too! Ohh how I hope this helps me get better!
But! :confused: I am scared %^&^)^%%! Really scared! I hope this surgery is not painful but have a feeling it is!
Any of you ever had your thyroid removed? What can I expect and be prepared for? I kind of wished they would have done it today instead of making me wait two weeks! Only makes you get more nervous and scared!
Thank-you all to the bottom of my heart for your prayers. When I got online this evening, I broke out in tears.
Well better get going! This pills is starting to take effect and making me drousy again! Bless you all! You all are so nice here! I feel like I have a family that I never met before but a wonderful family! Hugs!