not moved yet

May 26, 2009 at 1:57 pm

My move to NY has been postponed. I managed to get an appt with a Dr. D. Bradshaw on June 16th at Upstate University but looks like I’ll have to reschedule it. I was sooo wanting to get in with her since she has special interest in GBS but health and relationship on the rocks. They found I have blood clots in my lungs and started me on blood thinners. I ended up having my first IVIG treatment since going on these meds last week and had an allergic reaction. I spent mostof the week in the hospital and still trying to get back on my feet. They say its NOT related to the blood thinners but regardless I’m not feeling up to par.

In the meantime, my relationship has been rocked pretty hard as this has been the first ill spell since we met and it wasn’t handled well. I have decided to back off a bit and take things much slower to be sure the move is right for me and my daughter. I am planning to reschedule my visit with the dr up there and would love to meet up with ya when I’m in town. We had tickets to flyup over Memorial weekend but with me in the hospital, to saythe least, it didn’t happen. I’ve been looking today for tickets for her to flydown here as cheaper than flying us both up.
Keep in touch and hopefully we can meet soon.