Reply To: Residuals

March 19, 2008 at 12:50 pm

I had GBS 25 years ago and had very little residuals as a result. I had a few minor problems but they never stopped me from enjoying life, working and raising a family of four kids. As I age, I am now beginning to experience residuals and they are a concern but I tell myself I have had 25 years of relatively good health in relation to what I am reading here. I feel blessed in so many ways and what ever this disease throws my way now, I will deal with. I think the thing we all need to remember, and I hear this here in all the posts, is that we have suffered a major assault on our nervous systems. How could we possibly expect there to be no residuals? Any major illness is going to change your body make up etc. so I am determined to use what I learn here to be as healthy as I can and take care of myself as best I can. My job also gives me an opportunity to share my experiences throughout North America and I intend to keep sharing for as long as I can as my goal is to ensure others receive the best possible care in all walks of life.

Be well, and take good care. God does not give us any more than we can handle!!!