More from Me: D.U.
Actually, I have a diagnosed hypothyroid, which has been treated with meds for about 30 years, and is regularly monitored by blood tests. No, what happened to me is in no way the kind of irregular mild symptoms I experienced before I went on Levothyroxine for my thyroid problem.
What I’ve experienced is what I’ve always thought polio was like.
Also, I can’t get help or treatment from the medical staff; I’ve tried, and they are silent and indifferent, and offer no word of advice. The doctor simply took notes, and then he went on to his next patient. The next day, I got a note that they were taking their child out of music lessons. So, there you go! A couple of weeks later, I read in our local paper that the medical blood-work technician at the hospital got a medal for dedication and exemplary service. So there you go again! Nobody here cares about what happened to me, and about my condition now. They are used to seeing me stagger along behind my rollator now, instead of riding my bicycle as I have for the past 10 years in this town. That’s the way this town is. If I died right now, it wouldn’t matter; the medical people did this to me, so now they’re ignoring me for the sake of damage control. That’s the way things are done here.