More ADL’s Thanks to IVIG
I went from being semi-veg to super woman (well, almost) thanks to IVIG. I now have energy to do stuff and the ability to be fairly successful. I work full-time, cook, drive, and even mow the yard on a lawn tractor. However, I know my limitations. My feet are permanently numb but I manage to walk and drive a car without incident. Before IVIG I was stumbling and falling quite a bit. Now my balance is back so I celebrate that change. I still walk slowly and carefully and hang onto the grocery cart while I get groceries–like a walker. I cannot run or jump. I will probably never be able to run a marathon. Like many I struggle with some fine motor skills, so using some kitchen utensils is a problem sometimes. It is more difficulty to text on a cell phone. Otherwise, I lead a fairly normal life, just require more time to do the simple things. And I have to have a rest day if I do anything strenuous the day before. I guess that I am lucky to be as active as I am—thanks to IVIG!!!