mild case

September 18, 2010 at 3:58 am

‘Mild’ case can be termed as the deterioration or progression of GBS, is arrested at an early date.

As was my case, the very first day I was not able to climb on my own a little big step in the morning, by evening to cross a small step was not possible. Even that day I had to take lot of efforts to put my motorbike on stand (pulling by hand). Next day when I tried to get up from bed, I was not able to do so. I needed support to stand up from my wife. But once stand up; I was able to walk on my own. Similarly, next day while eating I was not able to break a very soft chapatti by one hand.

We could say that progression (of GBS) or deterioration/weakness of my hands and legs was gradually increasing.

I was referred to Nero-physician within next two days and after one day’s examination, he diagnosed my case as GBS and immediately started injecting three days course of IVIG which resulted in stoppage of progression of GBS.

I was away from work and at home for about one month under physiotherapy. I started driving my car and motorbike after three to four months.

Am sure, immediate diagnosis caused my case as mild, otherwise it could have turned up in major case had it further been entered in breathing system or my hands and legs became totally paralyzed