hello Kit!
I wanted to tell you that yesterday I tried meditation for the first time and it was very good, it was very relaxing and I slept better last night. I meditated using a cd I downloaded for free on the internet on
( I read a post on the website butyoudontlook sick by somebody who said it helped with their illness)
Even though I’ve been doing yoga for a while I always found it difficult to relax and let go of my worries/thoughts. It’s only the beginning, but I’ve had such a positive experience that I think this meditation thing is gonna help with the recovery and with my mind in general.
I also got a book from the library called How Meditation Heals by Eric Harrison, where he suggests meditating on particular spots of your body that are ill. The state that you reach when meditating promotes healing. If anybody is interested I can write the instructions on how to meditate on illness. It’s very simple and it takes practice, but I felt better just doing it for the first time.
Off course I’m gonna continue the physical exercise, but I think that meditation complements it nicely, it is exercise for the mind I suppose.
Have a good day everybody.