Long time since I wrote here

September 4, 2008 at 6:15 pm

Im working my ass of like always but now my hubby tell me to stop and I put some remind in my cellophone when to eat and take pills:D
Im learning to use my feet and hands as they are. It is balloon walk with needles and pin and somtimes very much pain in my joints. I think it might be my osteoarthritis but who cares:D pain is pain.
I have travel alot this summer and loved it a lot, here is picture´s of my traveling this summer, here is the link [URL=”http://www.tofraljos/ferdalog/”]http://www.tofraljos/ferdalog/[/URL]
I had great wist here in Iceland, one of our member came to Iceland and I met him and his wife, his name is John and his wife is Sandy, it was wonderful to meet theim and I did not feel so alone seeing and talking too theim both. My hubby likeded much to see theim, and we wish we could have more time with theim. This was one of best time I have had since I got onset, I wish I had meet some one while I was sick, becouse you feel so good to have some one near you that have this same thing and have done so well through the years, even though things are not like it was before onset.
well enough of the babling, I have been reading the forums and I welcome all new members and hope they can find some help in this wonderful forums that have help me so much getting through my GBS