Let me see now: the positives of having GBS
I am home now and not fully recovered after 1 year in a nursing facility, using a walker to get around. Here are some of my positives:
1. Not sharing a room.
2. Being away from the grim atmosphere of this kind of facility with all kinds of pathetic visuals.
3. Not having to eat the dreadful thing they call food.
4. Smoking a cigar, and having an airline size vodka.
5. Being away from people who used to say “it could be worse.” How stupid and insensitive is that? I knew damn well things could be worse, but you don’t say that!
6. Being away from staff and people who said “how are you doin today?” with a broad smile and gone before you could answer.
7. Not being around so called caregivers who did not belong in the job to begin with (nurses and health aides) along with some indifferent doctors.
I had a nurse who refused to reach for something I needed and told me to try harder when I said I could not manage it. She was imitating tough love therapy in her mind. I wish her the worst.
8. Managing boldily functions without being in a diaper.
Finally, I want to applaud those who have found a silver lining to this debilitating illness. I admire you for your attitude. But this is truly something I could have done without.