It’s kinda like lightning

April 7, 2010 at 10:19 am

The first time I had a mild case of GBS back in ’86 and recovered 98% (I hate to say 100%) because my body is the only one that knows that. When I got it again 20 years later, it was not mild. Could not stand for 4-5 months. But thanks to my wholistic ways/supplements, I did not have any IVIG and did not go to the hospital. (Actually did go to 2 Emergency rooms, but realized they had no idea how to treat me. They would not do IVIG because I could still hold a cup!So I was the best decision.) I have not had any need for pain killers and still some numbness in my feet. I think it does damage to our bodies like getting struck my lightning….we recover and are grateful for that recovery, but it leaves weakness there. PLus we do not know which symptoms are from the GBS and which are from aging. I miss my memory the most. My therapist tells me that I have forgotten more than most people ever knew…which is kind of him to say that.