It may get worse before it gets better!!!!!!
Hi there, yes things can look bleak but they can most definately also get better.
Just a quickee post as am getting kids out the door to school and then off for my weekly treatments, I was 33yrs (last year)when began symptoms which were immediately diagnoised and treatment initiated. After a horrendous 9 months on a very bumpy road, needing an electric wheelchair, totally paralysed, yesterday a easily did a 8km run, and have been doing duathlons (run/Bike/run races) once a month for the last 4 mths. Feel like am 97% back to normal but am still on lots of treatment but just wanted you to know there is DEFINATELY hope. Hang in there and take each hour or each day at a time!!!!!!!!!
all the best and you are welcome to PM at any time. Take care