It is a common IVIG side effect….

September 9, 2008 at 8:21 am

Tho mysteriously, docs never seem to have heard of it. Web up the side effects of your IVIG brand and look up ‘pruritis’ and ‘urticaria’ [hives]. It took me two trips to my dermatologist to have it long enough to ‘see it’, and topical steroids knock it out fast. It truly does ITCH! tho.
It pays to read all that fine print on the ‘full prescribing information’! It’s a livable side effect, far better than headaches!
I can’t help you with the bloating per se, but when I started out I would gain 4 pounds each round of infusions and lose two of them before the next round. This went on for about 2 years and then stopped. I don’t know if it was a brand change that stopped the gain or what…But, those pounds sure did add up!
As for the meningitis and all? Check very carefully how the IVIG is prepared and delivered to you…that all safety precautions are being taken and also check that rate? It’s either a rate issue or a brand issue….the option is you really can’t tolerate it. I don’t know about you, but that option isn’t one I’d consider at all – it’s a tradeoff.
Good luck this next time!