Introducing myself

March 31, 2010 at 2:48 am

Hi! I think I introduced myself elsewhere on the forums, but this seems to be the place where most people hang out, so I wandered in tonight to say hello.

I’m obviously new to the site and also to GBS in a much more personal way than when my aunt was severely affected by it in the 1970’s. My housemate/roommate — whom I’ll call my person — now has GBS and I am not only his primary caregiver, but will also be a fellow traveler toward better health as I participate equally in the new diabetic guidelines for this house.

I would like to get to know all of you, as well as gather information from these forums, so I thought it might be enjoyable to close out my sessions on the board by dropping in The Tavern on my way out.

It’s virtual, so there are no container or carrying stipulations, right? I’ll have a Toasted Almond, to go. And thank you.

boy, do I wish!