I Have A Wonderful Neuro
Hi John,
I have sent two people from this site to my neuro.
His name is Dr. Gregory Sahagian.
He works in an office with a team of about 10 neuros, each specializing in a different neuro problem.
They have their own website, if you wanted to see about them,
at: [url]www.neurocenter.com[/url]
Dr. Sahagian is a neuro-muscular specialist, and has multiple CIDP patients, though he tells me I am his worst CIDP patient.
He is head of Neurology at Tri-City Medical Center in Oceanside, California, and also works at Scripps-Encinitas Hospital.
This group is very advanced, as they often have and do their own trials on drugs and treatments.
I have been with him for a few years. I took going through 4 different neuros, before I got him and trust him completely. In the USA, often patients are limited to a 15 minute office visit with their doctor. With my neuro, sometimes I have been with him for over an hour discussing things.
And last Tuesday, I was supposed to have an important appointment with him, that in the morning, I had to cancel. So, instead, he called me at home to discuss my new plan of a change of chemotherapy drugs. He is a doctor who listens.
There is also a top neuro in this county that I have seen, that my health insurance won’t let me see because he is “out of network”. He is the one who gave me my final diagnosis. But, you have to send him info and records first, before he decides whether he will see you or not, as he only deals with rare neuro diseases.
His name is Dr. Geoffrey Sheean, an Austalian, at U.C.S.D./Thornton Hospital.
Hope this helps in what you’re looking for.