How Were You Diagnosed With Your CIDP Variant

April 13, 2008 at 11:37 am

[QUOTE=grawplyr]I’m wondering how you guys found out you had IgG deficiencies and all the variations of CIDP? I’m also wondering what all the variants are. Can anyone point me to any reference material on this? I haven’t had any serious blood work regarding t cells or anything like that. My neuros are just going off of NCV/EMG tests and the GBS I had almost 20 years ago. I am reluctant to do another spinal tap since the last attempt was botched and from what I have read they aren’t necessarily going to provide any conclusive information.

Thanks for any help you can provide.[/QUOTE]
My husband was diagnosed with CIDP MADSAM (Lewis Sumner Variant) in the summer of 2007. He had EMG, nerve conduction tests, lumbar puncture, routine blood work, and various MRI’s of head, neck, and spine. We paid about $1500 and had the following Athena Lab tests. SensoriMotor Neuropathy Profile-Complete #275
Type of Disorder: Peripheral Neuropathy
Typical Presentation: Peripheral neuropathy with mixed sensory and motor symptoms
Disease(s) tested for: Hu paraneoplastic syndrome, Anti-GM1 motor neuropathy, Anti-MAG neuropathy, Sulfatide neuropathy, GALOP neuropathy
Test Details
Test Code: 275
Profile includes: GALOP™ Antibody Test, MAG ‘Dual Antigen’® Antibody Test, Co-GM1 Triad™ Antibody Test, Sulfatide Antibody Test, Recombx™ Hu Antibody Test
Informed Consent Required: No
Medicare ABN Required: No
Special Notes: N/A
Technical Information
Utility: Detection of anti-MAG, anti-SGPG, anti-GM1, anti-GD1b, anti-asialo GM1 and anti-Sulfatide antibodies. Detection of anti-Hu using recombinant human antigens. Detection of serum IgM binding to anti-GALOP antigen.
Methodology: ELISA using covalent plates and Western blot