Hi kiddies
May 8, 2009 at 10:07 pm
I’m back for a few minutes. Hey wait up; got a trayful of Canada”s Prairire Fires. Come on out Jim and Norb and join us. The water is wonderful,
OK Big Jim you are on for Friday. Canada, did you hear that–he’s got some tricks up his sleeve???????
One question-2 really-does the new manager know about our cave races and Norb’s room of liqour, wine, and beer?Said hi to the manager and he said this was a cood place–told him Jim decorated the top and Canada,JanB., and I did the bottom. He looked at me strangely; I don’t think he knows about his bottom. Sure hope he doesn’t find the secret door to the race track or he’s bound to be run over flat as a pancake…..
Canada, is that still ready for the race tomorrow? See you all tomorrow.