Hi Kazza!
I have a friend that lives in Australia and they were telling me about that terrible drought that you all have had there. Seems like global warming really is taking alot of stuff away that I pray we can some day reverse. I grow a container garden that requires very little maintenance. Even got my water hoses hooked up a certain way to water everything with without wasting alot of water.
This week because I had to be in Greenvillle to see a new doctor and then see an opthalmologist on Thursday I decided to cheat a bit on my canning. So I took dry things like rice, dried beans and noodles and placed them in quart jars making several meals and preserving them from getting buggy. Rice can stay in a glass jar sealed for years. But if left unsealed it can get buggy!
So now I have 136 jars of canned food! LOL!
The more jars I collect the closer I am to saying I got 365 jars! Even if I have to cheat a little bit to make my goal At least I can say I canned that many! ๐ ๐ ๐
Linda H
Hi Kazza
Hi Kazza! You may need to transplant it to a mositure type of soil and place pinestraw around it to retain moisture. Also a better shaded area. Not in direst sunlight but moderate sunlight to shade. Our fig trees have been producing so many figs it’s no joke. Bush works me to death each summer! I live in North Carolina which is fairly a Southern State. Lots of women in my state can and freeze garden veggies! Each week I try to look up something I can plan for the next weekend to make.
Today though is rest day! No canning for me today. Next week I want to make bread and butter pickles but it depends on the weather too. Might still keep trying for the prepared meals instead. No wanting to sell these here! They are used for gifts and own personal eating!
I need to look up recipes for zuchini and squash. Looks like all my plants came up and boy do I have a bunch. One year I had zuchini that it was running out of my ears. Was giving it away because there was so many. That is fun when they produce like that but alot of work picking.
Happy Mother’s Day Family!
Linda H
Hi Kazza
Hi Kazza! In the late 80’s and 90’s while getting sick and trying to get a diagnoses I bet I went to several different doctors telling them that I was getting very sick. My darn labs with this lupus didn’t want to show anything. But I was going to the doctors when I felt better because when it made me sick I just could not drive myself anywhere. It put me in a wheelchair for two years and bedridden half the time. My wardrobe bacame PJ’s half the time. Disability wise! If they would have caught me early and diagnosed me right away I would have only had mild case of Lupus that probably controlled with medication and knowing what I had too would have changed my life but not been as bad. Would have still been able to work a job and do things. They let me get so bad off and had no answers for me! Then I finally had one doctor be honest with me and told me suspected Lupus. But I had not reached all the criteria for it! When it went into CNS lupus then they had the criteria. And my labs did a whammy and showed positive ANA’s and Anti Double Stranded DNA’s and an IGM Antibody. Have to look that up. Think it was IGM or IGA. I had no choice then but to get on Disability. Been on it ever since. Right after I had a nerve biopsy is when I went into full blown lupus. Messing with the nerves in my body caused CNS lupus to attack me something aweful. Just like last year when I had the spine surgery. Two weeks later my body went on fire. I still say I was GBS back then but they said CIDP. After I got ran over in a parking lot and messed my back up my health from then on when haywire! The thyroid went crazy, my sleep went crazy, CIDP kicked in. Surgery here and surgery there. Even my asthma went nuts.
If I was diagnosed with Lupus from the very beginning when it started out mild I think I would be working today. My daughter got diagnosed right away because she started showing my symptoms and they knew I had Lupus. They did a skin biopsy and it came out positive and she had a positive ANA. And had 7 criteria but was mild. She works and does fantastic with her lupus and is in remission having no problems at all. My other daughter though because of her showing Rheumatiod Arthritis might be a different story getting diagnosed with Lupus. Her symptoms are showing different and it might take longer for her!
Like Cheryl said in one posting. One autoimmune disorder can trigger another one and then possibly another one. Which it has done in my case!
I would give anything in the world to be able to go back to work. It really upsets me being sick and dealing with illness.
My life as like others in here live on a day to day basis. One day I might do okay then have three sick days the same week or 5 days sick one day fine. Even seen months and months on end where I stayed sick!
Personally! The earlier the diagnoses depending on what disease is causing the CIDP the best prognosis. But then some get diagnosed with CIDP and the disease prognosis is poor because of what they found causing it. And others get CIDP and there are just no answers as to why! Bad thing is no two people are alike! Each one may have a different problem or auntoimmune disorder. And what one lupus patient may experience the other one may not. Just like CIDP. We all though seem to experence the same general complaints but one might be worse than the other one.
I pray for every single one of us in here.
Illness no matter what we have I wouldn’t put on anybody! When I see another new person posting I really want to cry for them because I know we have another victom that just got placed into a world of darkness having to put up with what many others are having to do. Hope this helps some! I wish you my best! Hugs
Linda H
Hi Kazza!
Hi Kazza! I started getting sick at the age of 27 and was diagnosed with Neuropathy that looked like MS and the doctor thought it was MS but could not get enough proof. Went 3 years with them only saying Neuropathy. Then two years later they diagnosed me with Lupus and Neuropathy but noticed it was Chronic Inflamatory Demylinating Polyneuropathy. They did a nerve biopsy back then also and could only link it to being lupus causing it. I went for 5 years before I got an official diagnoses. Went into remission a few years back for almost 2 years. Then I saw a rotten doctor in my area and he said I didn’t have lupus anymore! So I had to go through another two years of getting rediagnosed all over again. Only problem was I had other health issues that had them trying to rule out and fix so they could figure out if it was lupus aggitating me or not. Duke diagnosed me as having CIDP this past October. But claimed it was because of Lupus and not my thyroid as they thought it to be. I too have had some cranial involvement. I get weird eye twitches alot and a few other things. Was a real major pain not getting an answer right away. So I truely feel for you. And was not fun suffering with it too! And I still suffer! All these medications I am on and still suffer! Hmmm! Wished they had a miracle pill! Hugs
Linda H
Hi Kazza
Hi Kazza! She too must have been diagnosed with Multinodular thyroid goiter. They really are quite common and many women get them and most of them are benign. When CT Scans, Labs, Ultrasounds show no evidence of cancer then they do the biopsy. Sometimes they can tell the cancer right away and other times they are not sure. There are 5 different kinds of thyroid cancer and two are good prognosis. The other 3 are not so great! Those gioters can also be caused by other things too. A virus, thyroid disease.. like Graves, Hyper or Hypothyroidism, Cushings Disease. Even some medications can cause them. They are still not sure which cancer mine is and they did a test on me last week along with a treatment.
Some can be asperated while others can’t. My thyroid has to be removed and they are going to do the biopsy at the same time while removing it. If her biopsy comes out normal they will try medications to shrink the goiter. Unfortunately my lumps are very large in size and one has pushed into the esophagus causing problems. Calling it a Sub Sternal Goiter which has no choice but surgery. They did that URIA on me last week in hopes to see what kind of cancer I have. My father had cancer and his was a fast spreading kind. I am hoping I did not inherit his type of cancer. Which for me if I did I would have the cancer in my thyroid that is not treatable kind. A trach will have to be added and kept permanent to help with breathing.
Right now! I don’t even care anymore! Just want to get this done and over with. The sooner I know and what can be done afterwards is better than sitting here not knowing and having fear. If it is the terminal kind then I would rather know, so I can plan on what to do next. Meaning getting my affairs in order. But I am not going to think bad thoughts just yet. I’m keeping the word Hope in my mind. There is still Hope!
I have a feeling it’s going to be a very long day! This waiting is hard doing! I will be posting the moment I find out something! Thanks Kazza!
Hi Kazza
Hi Kazza! With CIDP though, don’t you normally get placed on IVIG’s or Plasmapherisis if the person is in bad shape and continuing to get worse. If something is progressing the normal protocol I know with certain forms of Lupus would be IVIG’s or Pulse Steroids.
When I was living in PA, I saw Pulse Steroids quite a bit. But now I am not seeing that where I live now. My doctors in PA knew my pattern. These doctors where I live now don’t know my pattern and are just not treating me correctly.
I think Duke is going to be my best bet as far as getting in. But they may end up seeing me in the ER instead. I’m not waiting 6 months to be in limbo here! If I do I may not make it through this! If it is Lupus, it could be fatal. So can the other two diseases I mentioned. Both can be fatal if not treated quickly. Still feeling icky this morning too and today is my husbands birthday. Was kind of hoping to take him out for dinner but have a feeling, I may have to cook his favorite meal instead. Bummer! Total bummer! Praying I get some strength soon and do get to take him out!