
August 15, 2008 at 2:30 pm

hey mandy–

i think you and i experience prednisone similarly~

have a great weekend too and will be in touch…

hug back,


February 12, 2008 at 1:30 pm

Hi, Dean! Glad to hear from you although I wish the news was better. Been wondering what happened with you.

I have no advice regarding your treatments but will say I’ll keep ya in my prayers for the right treatment and outcome! Best wishes!



April 26, 2007 at 5:05 pm

I like you contracted GBS in October of 2004. Took 3 weeks & 3 different Doctors before they could diagnose me. In 3 weeks I was in the hospital having trouble standing & walking. Within one week I was on the vent. I had crashed and had to be shocked back to life. I could only turn my head. I was on a vent for 7 months, my family was told I would never get off it. But I did it was very hard. Been in 4 hospitals. Last stop was Shepard Center in Atlanta. They were awesome there. Came home for the first time in Feb. of 2006. Was in a wheelchair, but began walking the end of March. Still have issues with my feet, knees, & exhaustion. But am blessed by my family that stood by me. But I can walk and almost function normally, so it will have to do. 🙂


June 11, 2006 at 4:00 pm

Hi Mildred,
In my case yes. I was dx with GBS in 1998. I got better for almost a year. Then the relapsing started and has hounded me ever since. Its called CIDP for me now. I’m sorry you are having problems. Stress and worry usually makes mine worse. On a brighter note, I was scanning the tv one day, and came across a talk show with 4 people on it who had gotten over this malady. One girl had it for 10 years and it had stopped. The others, not near as long. It can be a wild and crazy ride, so hang on. I pray u and your husband will get better soon.
God Bless


May 11, 2006 at 8:38 am

Hi Angela,
How is my kid? It’s so good to see you here. We need our “oldies” (not in age) to re-create posts. You might be a good one to try to bring back up “Medical Insurance” How to get free drugs when you can’t pay.