I like you contracted GBS in October of 2004. Took 3 weeks & 3 different Doctors before they could diagnose me. In 3 weeks I was in the hospital having trouble standing & walking. Within one week I was on the vent. I had crashed and had to be shocked back to life. I could only turn my head. I was on a vent for 7 months, my family was told I would never get off it. But I did it was very hard. Been in 4 hospitals. Last stop was Shepard Center in Atlanta. They were awesome there. Came home for the first time in Feb. of 2006. Was in a wheelchair, but began walking the end of March. Still have issues with my feet, knees, & exhaustion. But am blessed by my family that stood by me. But I can walk and almost function normally, so it will have to do. 🙂
Hi Mildred,
In my case yes. I was dx with GBS in 1998. I got better for almost a year. Then the relapsing started and has hounded me ever since. Its called CIDP for me now. I’m sorry you are having problems. Stress and worry usually makes mine worse. On a brighter note, I was scanning the tv one day, and came across a talk show with 4 people on it who had gotten over this malady. One girl had it for 10 years and it had stopped. The others, not near as long. It can be a wild and crazy ride, so hang on. I pray u and your husband will get better soon.
God Bless
Hi Angela,
How is my kid? It’s so good to see you here. We need our “oldies” (not in age) to re-create posts. You might be a good one to try to bring back up “Medical Insurance” How to get free drugs when you can’t pay.