Hey Racer13
I play by ear, I never had any kind of training…I was not even in the school band, cause they didn’t have a guitar.. hehe .. Not in the music business. Playin bass is just something I was able to pick up, while stranded in the Army. I really enjoy it. I love the vibration that it puts thru your body. Everything viberates. Maybe it will fill this bod with enough good vibes, this cidp nightmare will just be another story for soapy to tell one of these days. Thanks for the info. Your right, the cab does not face any pictures in the bedroom.. They are doing construction not too far from here… Honey, I think I heard em using dynamite! yeah! thats the ticket.. I went ahead and straightned the pics up in here..Your welcome , I luv u too…
Hey Racer13
I play by ear, I never had any kind of training…I was not even in the school band, cause they didn’t have a guitar.. hehe .. Not in the music business. Playin bass is just something I was able to pick up, while stranded in the Army. I really enjoy it. I love the vibration that it puts thru your body. Everything viberates. Maybe it will fill this bod with enough good vibes, this cidp nightmare will just be another story for soapy to tell one of these days. Thanks for the info. Your right, the cab does not face any pictures in the bedroom.. They are doing construction not too far from here… Honey, I think I heard em using dynamite! yeah! thats the ticket.. I went ahead and straightned the pics up in here..Your welcome , I luv u too…