Hey Ken

May 23, 2009 at 1:49 am

😀 Hey Ken! See! You even get the birds to pose for you! Nice shot Ken! The colors on the bird is pretty! Hugs
Linda H

Hey Ken!

April 21, 2009 at 12:04 am

Hey Ken! Boy have I missed not seeing your pictures in here and am glad to see some nice shots! Missed ya! Just starting to get back online again but have not been feeling to well. Lupus kicked me in the fanny again right after I got my mom straightened out. What a bummer! But at least I have that chance again to see your beautiful photos! That made me get better last time and hopefully this time as well! Hugs
Linda H

Hey Ken!

January 17, 2009 at 7:29 pm

Hey Ken! It looks like your cats have been to a taxidermy and they are all posed a certain way! ROFL! You take these photo’s of them and they just look so beautiful. Almost as if they are statues that have been made to look like cats! Beautiful shot though! Totally beautiful! I alway’s enjoy coming in here seeing what you have posted. So much fun seeing such beautiful photography! Thank-you so much for sharing your talent with us! And you are very talented! Hugs
Linda H

Hey Ken!

December 29, 2008 at 7:41 pm

Nice shot! My cats won’t stay still long enough! LOL! And the photo’s I do get of them end up having red eyes that look like I have demon cats! But in real life they are true sweeties! Hugs

Hey Ken

December 6, 2008 at 9:09 am

Hey Ken! I have asked for a nicer camera for Christmas! Sure hope get one for you have me wanting to learn now! Totally beautiful place for a walk! Nice photo’s too! Thanks!
Linda H

Hey Ken!

November 19, 2008 at 5:25 am

My cats just eat sleep and play. When they wake up in the mornings they start running and playing. Then they eat their Fo-Fo! They know that word really well. That and Milk-Milk! After they eat then they take their Cat Nap and sleep for several hours. Wake up again and start picking on each other. They love their mousie’s. My bedroom has toy mousies everywhere. Pumpkin has a huge stuffed mousie that she refuses to let anybody get. The moment she loses her mousie she gets all depressed. Then I have to go on a mousie hunt just to cheer her up again. Baby Girl… the one I had to bottle feed. She thinks she is human and still thinks I am her mommy. As soon as she jumps in my lap she wants nurse nurse. She no longer has her bottle anymore so now she grabs my thumb and expects nurse nurse with my thumb. LOL! Like I said! I got a bunch of rotten cats! Hugs

Hey Ken!

November 12, 2008 at 4:49 am

Hi Ken! Now you have me printing this one out! LOL! Giving me some awesome crafting ideas here! Going to make a powder box with this one! I am going to have to take some pictures and show you some of my neat craft projects! Now you got me started! LOL! I have not done much crafting in 3 years because of me being sickly but have been getting that urge! Beautiful Rose! Hugs

Hey Ken!

November 10, 2008 at 6:00 am

Hey Ken! That is beautiful! Totally beautiful! Can I have permission to print this one out! I have an old cedar Jewelry box that needs a new photo on top. Been searching on Ebay for something but found nothing I liked. I wanted to try glass glitter on the top making it look like an antique piece. But will only print it out and use it with your permission! You do fantastic work! Hugs
Linda H
PS! If you say no! I will completly understand, But it would look great on that jewelry box I have!:D

Hey Ken!

October 18, 2008 at 7:27 pm

Hey Ken! Everytime I see your shots of these wonderful beautiful places they just are so relaxing to look at! And sense of peace flows through my body as if I have entered heaven! But I know it’s not heaven but to me if sure feels like a very heavenly place! Loved seeing this today! Thank-you so very very much for placing a world I never get to see much in front of my eyes! They are deeply appreciated! Hugs