hair loss

March 5, 2010 at 12:42 pm

thanks for the reply. my friend goes for chemo and she was told to take biotin (over the counter) for hair loss. i dont know if it will interact with the neurontin so i am stuck. will make appt with dermatologist and hope she has a clue

hair loss

March 1, 2010 at 10:07 pm

I also had thinning of the hair and hair loss my hair did stop growing. My nails are very thin and weak. My nails break off in chunks. I have had my thyroid checked and have problems with my thyroid. It is checked a few times a year. I do believe some of the problems with my nails is do to medication. As it stands, I cannot grow my nails. they are very thin , weak and always very short. My hair has begun to thicken and grow once again.

hair loss

January 12, 2009 at 6:33 pm

Hey Gals,

On the hair loss, thing. I am not so sure about this. I had a spell several years back when I didn’t know anything was wrong with me but there was, My hair started thinning, and I developed a thin spot on top. Since then, it grew back. maybe it is the CIDP activity!, Stress, deficiency or even all of it put together. Who knows.

My daughter Kelly is 18, and is absoulutely gorgeous with a big head of hair. She has been so sick over me being ill that she is losing alot of hair and has developed IBS or IBD, we are not sure yet. She and I are very very close even for her being 18, she will still hold my hand in public. So you know the love is there. She doen’t care what anyone thinks. Stress is a killer, and when it doesn’t do that, it shows up in other ways. Just my two cents. With or without hair, I look at all people the same, and not just since I have been striken. Fortuneately, I had been smelling the roses long before I knew about this CIDP. tim

Hair Loss…

January 6, 2008 at 10:38 am

My mom was diagnosed Thanksgiving and still in ICU with barely any mouth movement (on vent and feeding tube). I noticed in last couple weeks her hair is falling out (she always had thick salt n pepper gray hair). I think it is either side effect of GBS (or meds thereof?) or just stress. I only hope she does not go bald, she will be so upset. Thanks for posting this in the forum. It is nice to know that others have suffered from hair loss yet nobody seems to mention going completely bald. That is a small comfort amid this chaos. :rolleyes:

Hair loss…

August 31, 2007 at 10:49 am

No, I was never on Methotrexate, but I was on Imuran for 3 months back in 2002. I never lost any hair from that. But I do know a lot of people with Rhematoid Arthritis who are on methotrexate & no one has mentioned hair loss. But since we all seem to react differently to drugs, & if your neuro mentioned possible hair loss, then I guess it is possible. Is it really helping you? I just asked because some of the things they try us on don’t. If it is helping you, then I would suggest trying a shorter haircut; if not go off of it & keep your hair longer. Wish I could help more…

Hair loss…

August 30, 2007 at 11:58 pm

Are you merely on one of the chemo anti-suppressants that are taken orally? By that I mean something like Cell-cept, Imuran, Methotrexate, etc. Because most people do not lose their hair from these. I was on a regimen of high dose Cytoxan which was infused monthly. I began to lose a lot of hair after the first month & so I had all of my hair shaved off. Since I was on the chemo infusions for 9 months, I was probably without much hair for about 1 1/2 years. But I really didn’t care at that time, as I was so sick it just made my life easier (unable to walk, no use of my hands, no way to shower.)