Got Residuals?

May 19, 2010 at 11:46 pm

Hi, Mick56,

I contracted MF ten years ago in March of 2000. A very wild ride for me, mostly affected my eyes and vestibular system. Although the initial onset symptoms backed off, I still ended up with permanant double vision (which I later had surgery for @ the Doheney Eye Institute at USC), and continual balance/inner ear/vertigo issues over the years, along with persistent fatigue. This, in fact, ended up taking me out of the elementary classroom, where I had taught for 27 years.

It appears as though much of what you describe could indeed be MF residual. These things bothered me for quite some time, but after a spell I found my brain accepted it all (Grace here), and I now consider “doable” just fine. You’re right about others having it worse, but that thought pattern doesn’t always stick. I’ve got some books I’ve read over the years that have really helped me mentally, please ask if interested.

Your call on the LT insurance is a wise one. My wife and I both purchased this a while back, and I’m glad I did. I can roll with a lot of stuff, but don’t want my kids/wife to have to endure financial duress should one or more of these residuals get the best of me.

I’m thinking back, two and a half years after my onset, I was still in the middle of my career change, proceeding into disability (State Teachers’), and grieving over the loss of a lifelong work I loved. Very fresh for me, even then.

Hang in there, Mick, let us know how it’s going.